Housing Loan Information

Here’s the breakdown of the KLIMT Cairnhill Housing Loan Information you can use when making your own calculations and determining your finances and cashflow.

If you’d like to speak to someone to help provide better clarity, do contact us here and we’d be happy to arrange for one of our specialists to work this out for you.

First LoanSecond LoanThird Loan
Loan TenureUp to 30 years31 ~ 35 yearsUp to 30 years31 ~ 35 yearsUp to 30 years31 ~ 35 years
Tenure + Age of Borrower≤ 65>65≤ 65>65≤ 65>65
Maximum LTV Limit75%55%55%45%25%25%35%15%15%
20% (Non-Individuals)
Minimum Cash Downpayment5%10%10%25%25%25%25%25%25%
Guarantors / Co-borrowers
All co-borrowers must be mortgagors.
Guarantors must be co-borrowers if the latter did not pass the TDSR criteria.
Total Debt Servicing Ratio
Stress Test Interest Rate
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